SAP-IN website as guide to Strategy-as-Practice research
SAP is devoted to fostering research into strategy as something that people in organizations do rather than something that firms in the market have.
The SAP-IN website provides an overview of different SAP communities, the different resources and the latest news for scholars who are interested in SAP research.
Here you find news and upcoming events from all SAP communities
About SAP
Strategy-as-Practice (SAP) as a research field is concerned with the doing of strategy; who does it, what they do, how they do it, what they use, and what implications this has for shaping strategy.
the „what“ aspect.
refers to those practices that are taken up within organizations.
Practices are developed, transferred, and enacted by practitioners, for instance, senior and middle managers; they are the carriers of the practices.
the „who“ aspect
of SAP highlights it is important also to attend to who performs particular practices.
Practices do not occur automatically and un-problematically. Rather, they are enacted in context, often in ways that vary considerably between firms. Such variations are not necessarily failures of practice, but rather necessary adaptations or improvisations in changing circumstances.
the „how“ aspect
emphasizes the relevance of how practices are enacted, i.e. praxis.
For instance, scholars found that the adoption of monitoring, target, and incentives practices is linked with profitability and sales growth.
A schematic model of strategy-as-practice
The infographic below offers a model for an integrated practice-theoretic approach to strategic management research.
It is by integrating the “what”, “who”, and “how” of practices that scholars can trace the links between firm practices and heterogeneous firm performance (Jarzabkowski et al., 2016: 250).

Jarzabkowski, P., Kaplan, S., Seidl, D., & Whittington, R. (2016).
‘On the risk of studying practices in isolation: Linking what, who, and how in strategy research’.
Strategic Organization, 14(3), 248 -259.
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SAP Communities
Since its beginnings, SAP scholars actively participated in several institutionalized communities, notably the Academy of Management, the European Group for Organizational Studies, and the Strategic Management Society.